In addition to being a plant nutrient, copper is the most widely used contact fungicide and bactericide in agriculture. Almost all plants, especially at the beginning and end of vegetation, are used as protective and therapeutic against fungal and bacterial diseases. However, it is not possible to use copper due to a number of toxic effects of the green parts of the plants.
Amino acids are easily absorbed into the plant with low molecular weights, strong bonds with mineral elements, carrying them to the body of the plant and active in plant metabolism are organic compounds.
Curamin is a systemically effective product formed by combining copper with animal based amino acids with special methods.
Since the chelated copper (by the amino acids) in the composition of Curamin is easily taken by the plant without any toxic effects, both the copper needs of the plants are met quickly and the plants are protected against fungal and bacterial diseases.
Moreover, due to its high amino acid content, Curamin strengthens plants’ resistance against biotic and abiotic stress conditions, acts in the activation of many enzymes, increases the uptake and utility of other nutrients.
In this way, besides the protection of plants against diseases, it also provides significant increase in productivity and quality.
Curamin Foliar is formulated for foliar use with 3% copper content, and Curamin Drip is formulated for use with drip irrigation from the soil with 6.2% copper content.
With all these superior properties, Curamin is a special product that can be safely used from foliage or soilin all plants at all stages of the growth season without any toxic effects.