
Dufour Series

  • Pure and special chelating agents
  • Vitamins and natural growth promoters
  • Phisiolygicaly acidic humic & fulvic acids derived from plant based organic materials
  • Biologically active amino acids (animal based) derived from enzymatical and micorbial activites

The main principle of plant nutrition is to provide the nutrients with optimal formulations, sufficiently and at the right time. Besides the characteristics of the nutrients, the activity and absorption of the nutrients are linked directly to the conditions of the rizosphere (root area). Soil properties like texture & structure, pH, lime rate, organic matter rate and the intensity of microbial activity directly effects the succes of fertilisation.

In the recent years, researches concentrated on to maximize the nutrient availability to the plants within all kinds of soils. After intensive R&D researches and trials, Swissgrow is honored to present its highly effective, environment friendly and leading-edge technology products to the agriculture world, “the Dufour series”.

These substances create strong bonds with the other nutrients in order to maximize their absorbtion and transportion capabilites. These amino acids play a vital role in the plant metabolzim as they form the core structures of the proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids thus maximizing the plants overall performance capabilities.

While enhancing the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, boosts the plant to create a strong and healthy root system.

The amino acids and humic & fulvic acids in the composition of Dufour series Fertilizers strengthen plant’s defense mechanism. Hence they enhance the durability of plants when there is biotic stress like patogens, or oxidative stress such as saltiness, dryness, excessive heat/cold. They help to strengthen the durability of the plants for abiotic stress conditions.

Dufour series include two different types of chelators. These materials help to create a bond with nutritional elements in a fertilizer or with the elements in the soil that already exist and chelate them. Hence they help plants to benefit from the nutritional elements in their surrounding in a maximum way. This way we can reduce the amount of loss in fertilizers and increase plant’s benefit from the nutritional elements. Hence, the usage of fertilizer is also can be mini- mized. Non the less the efficiency of fertilization increases and the damage to nature decreases.

The vitamins and natural growth regulators in Alpine fertilizers help to increase the growth and developments of the plants and increases its perfor- mance to the top.

In Dufour series products, we have been used nitrogen in nitrate format instead of urea nitrogen. This not only helps to increase the rate of fruit growth, but also helps with stiffness of the fruit, flavor of the fruit, endurance after harvest. Dufour series also contains high amount of EDTA chelated micro elements.




DUFOUR 7-13-33 + TE

NO3 4,5
NH4 2,5
P2O5 13%
К2О 33%
Cu 0,01%
Mo 0,005%
Fe 0,02%
Zn 0,01%
Mn 0,01%
B 0,01%


DUFOUR 10-46-7 + TE

NO3 8,8
NH4 7,2
P2O5 16%
К2О 16%
Cu 0,01%
Mo 0,005%
Fe 0,02%
Zn 0,01%
Mn 0,01%
B 0,01%